Elizabeth Grace Mentioned In CBC News Article

WARNING: This article contains details of abuse

“They’re the ones who have the ability to make systemic changes, which is what most survivors want most of all.”

In a follow-up to our recent post about CBC’s investigative podcast “The Banned Teacher,” Elizabeth Grace has been mentioned in a new article by CBC News regarding lawsuits dealing with sexual abuse of students by teachers. Survivors of this abuse ultimately decided to file lawsuits when they were failed by police and the criminal courts, and Elizabeth talks about how she helps others in their pursuit for justice in the civil courts. Read the article here.

Elizabeth Grace and her team specialize in guiding survivors through the legal process with respect, sensitivity, and compassion, and they work to fearlessly pursue the vindication, accountability, and closure survivors deserve.

If you, or someone close to you, has been sexually assaulted or abused, and would like to know about available legal options, please call us or email us for a free, completely confidential preliminary consultation.

Elizabeth Grace - Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer

Contact ELIZABETH Today

Lerners understands you need someone to believe in you. Our consultations are free. Call today and let us help you and your family.

416.601.2378 | egrace@lerners.ca

Elizabeth Grace

Demanding accountability from sexual offenders and the institutions that gave them power and authority over vulnerable persons is one of the most courageous things a survivor of abuse can do. Giving a legal voice to that demand is a privilege for a lawyer, requiring sensitivity and skill.


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